To ensure Reservoir East Primary School complies with DET policy and guidelines in relation to its curriculum framework. 


Curriculum covers all the arrangements our school makes for students’ development and learning.  It includes the course content, student activities, teaching approaches, the way in which teachers and classes are organised and decisions on the need for and the use of facilities and resources. 

At Reservoir East Primary School our purpose is to provide a safe, caring learning environment for our students so that they are motivated, engaged, resilient and prepared to contribute to the academic and social/emotional growth of themselves and others. Our school encourages its students to strive for excellence in all of these endeavours. To achieve this, the school provides sequential teaching and learning programs that deliver a comprehensive, broadly based and inclusive curriculum.  



The Victorian Curriculum F-10 together with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, specifies the skills children and young people need for success in work and life. The Victorian Curriculum F-10 provides the framework for curriculum development for Foundation – Year 10. It is structured as a learning continuum that enables teachers to identify the student’s current levels of achievement and then deliver teaching and learning programs that support progression of learning. 


The curriculum integrates the ‘Towards Foundation Level Victorian Curriculum’ directly into the curriculum and is referred to as ‘Levels A to D’ for students with disabilities. 

The Victorian Curriculum F-10 incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian standards and priorities.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 includes eight learning areas and four capabilities. The curriculum achievement standards are provided in 11 levels for English and Mathematics and in five or six bands for all the other learning areas and capabilities. Achievement standards are provided in four levels (Levels A to D) for students with disabilities. 





This policy will be reviewed as part of the school’s three-year review cycle or if guidelines change 

This policy was last reviewed: September 2021

The next review date will be: September 2025


Appendix A: Time Allocations Per Learning Area. 

The curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum (Foundation to Year 10) 

At Reservoir East Primary School time is allocated across the eight learning areas with a heavy emphasis on English and Mathematics. All staff participate in team planning with back to pack approved planning sessions timetabled for all teams. 

The time allocation is structured on a weekly basis. The breakdown of the weekly cycle is as follows: