REPS Community Garden 

One of our dedicated REPS Families have been instrumental in setting up our Kitchen Garden, ready to one day be part of our Kitchen Garden Program. Original Music by Tim Reid.

REPS Garden Reids.m4v

REPS Community Garden is a space where students, families and community can gather while learning about growing food. The aim of the garden is to share fresh, nutritious produce with the school and local community, while educating and advocating for growing food locally and promoting community well being.


The first phase of the garden comprising 6 wicking beds, worm farms and storage shed was completed in March 2020. An access pathway from Genoa Avenue was constructed in early 2021 and we are now preparing for a permaculture inspired mini orchard. 


Staff and students are frequently found in the space and have recently been planting native grasses and shrubs along the Genoa Ave boundary.


Parents and families regularly help in the garden on Wednesday mornings. Working bees are held in the space and provide the opportunity to strengthen ties within the school and local community.


To date the garden has provided the school community with organic herbs and vegetables. Excess produce from the garden has been shared with Reservoir Neighbourhood House for their food relief program. We are also linked in with local support organisation DIVRS.


Watch this space...

Please come along!



Beautiful flowers!

The growing garden

Worm juice!

A bee on one of our sunflowers

Working Bee helpers